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The Graduate Program in Mathematics Education (PRPGEM) at Unespar is offered across the Campo Mourão and União da Vitória campuses. Accredited by CAPES (Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel) in 2018, the program welcomed its first cohort in 2019. As a multi-campus program, classes are conducted via videoconference, enabling students to participate in all courses from either campus.

Each year, the Master’s Program in Mathematics Education admits 20 students. Eligible applicants must hold a Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics, Pedagogy, or a related field. The selection process comprises several stages, as detailed in the respective public notices.

- Evaluation of the research project;
- Interview;
- Review of the Lattes Curriculum (the Brazilian academic CV platform).

Admitted applicants must complete a minimum of 72 credits, encompassing required and elective courses, complementary activities, and the Master’s Thesis. The program includes a total of ten courses: two required and eight elective. Required courses are exclusively offered during the first year for each incoming cohort. Additional program requirements include passing the Qualifying Examination, demonstrating proficiency in a foreign language (English, French, Italian, or Spanish), and successfully defending the Master’s Thesis

Primary goal

To foster the development of human resources by promoting an integrative approach that bridges the country’s educational institutions and scientific research in Mathematics Education.

Specific objectives

To prepare and qualify professionals (teachers and researchers) to contribute to the field of Mathematics Education across diverse levels, modalities, and teaching contexts, meeting the increasing demand for advanced graduate education at the Master’s and PhD levels.

To promote the advancement of teachers' engagement in research within educational institutions, fostering continuous and contextually relevant professional development in the field of Mathematics Education.

To collaborate on innovative proposals for the integration of technologies as effective tools in the teaching and learning of Mathematics.

To emphasize the importance of respecting the human diversity inherent in classrooms by conducting research that explores different cultures, the inclusion of minoritized groups, diverse forms of language, and related topics.

Graduates Profile

Our graduates are equipped to contribute to the improvement of Mathematics teaching and the development of a research field in science education, which motivates them to:

Engage in innovative research that enhances classroom educational practices across various teaching levels and supports teacher education in the teaching of Mathematics;

Collaborate in the teaching and learning of Mathematics through investigations and reflections that explore the epistemological, cultural, and social foundations of both school and mathematical knowledge;

Explore various methodologies for building school knowledge at different levels in the teaching and learning of Mathematics;

Investigate teaching practice issues through real classroom situations, fostering discussions and reflections that contribute to the advancement of Mathematics Education;

Act as researchers/educators, developing a critical and innovative perspective in the field of Education to generate specialized knowledge through their professional practice;

Integrate Mathematics Education, diversity, culture, and technology with the reality and the needs of Basic Education, aiming to promote transformation and emancipation.